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Pamela Paton Pamela Paton

30 by 30 and National Parks

Later this year, the Scottish Government is set to bring forward a Natural Environment Bill which could include amendments to the National Parks (Scotland) Act 2000. Earlier this year Scottish Environment LINK released a report called “Protecting 30 percent of Scotland’s land for nature” which SCNP and APRS contributed to. It includes coverage of how National Parks can contribute to biodiversity recovery and meeting 30 by 30.

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Pamela Paton Pamela Paton

The Wales Biodiversity Deep Dive – Unlocking the potential of Designated Landscapes

As we look at how National Parks can contribute to 30 by 30 in Scotland (see report from SE LINK), in this article we turn our attention to the 30 by 30 discussion in Wales. Howard Davies, Independent Chair of the Biodiversity Deep Dive – Designated Landscapes expert group provides an overview of how National Parks and National Landscapes in Wales have a crucial role to play in the delivery of 30 by 30 .

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Pamela Paton Pamela Paton

SCNP welcomes John Mayhew as Chair

SCNP was delighted to welcome John Mayhew as its new Chair at the April 2024 AGM. Read more about John’s appointment and his views on new National Parks in Scotland

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Pamela Paton Pamela Paton

New National Parks Update - June 2024

In May 2024, the Scottish Government reiterated its intention to designate at least one new National Park. Following the appointment of the new First Minister and a reshuffle of positions, the responsibility for National Parks now falls within the rural affairs portfolio, under the Cabinet Secretary, Mairi Gougeon MSP.

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Pamela Paton Pamela Paton

Funding National Parks

Graham Barrow of SCNP provides a research report on international funding of National Parks. Are we missing a trick in Scotland?

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Pamela Paton Pamela Paton

Scottish Government’s New National Park Technical Workshop

The Scottish Government led a Technical Workshop for groups interested in nominating their area for National Park status. The selection of video recordings cover a variety of topics and give an overview of some of the key areas of interest for groups nominating their area for National Park status.

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Pamela Paton Pamela Paton

Tackling the Nature Emergency

The Scottish National Park Strategy Project’s summary of the SCNP and APRS response to the Scottish Government’s Strategic Framework for Biodiversity consultation.

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Pamela Paton Pamela Paton

We are recruiting for Trustees

We are currently seeking trustees and volunteers with skills in rural planning, biodiversity/climate change, finance/book-keeping and digital marketing. But anyone with an interest and commitment to the national park cause in Scotland is invited to apply.

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Pamela Paton Pamela Paton

Sustainable Travel in National Parks

James Burns of Ansons Consulting provides a blog looking at Sustainable Travel in National Parks. Ansons Consulting authored the Sustainable Travel and Modal Shift Report for Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park.

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Pamela Paton Pamela Paton

Views from the City

MSc Students from the University of Edinburgh interviewed residents from Edinburgh and Glasgow on their perceptions of National Parks. The final report was presented at a public presentation at Scottish Parliament in April 2023. Students Julia Lisa and Mhairi McMillan provided a blog post on their work…

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